In 2017, we felt the Holy Spirit calling us to start a conference that encouraged women to be strong, brave, and steadfast in their faith.

A team of volunteers brought together the gifts God gave us and hosted our first conference (under the name Catholic Women’s Fellowship), and over 900 women attended. We were delighted that the Holy Spirit called us to do His will then, and we are delighted to continue it under the name Joan of Arc Ministries.


Join us for our best conference yet: Eucharistic adoration, Holy Mass (a Vigil Mass at 4:00pm this year!), incredible speakers, confession, a time of honoring Our Lady, community with hundreds of women from the area, awesome vendors, and more!

Past conferences

2017 - Brave

Speakers: Helen Alvare, Mimika Garasche, Megan Mastroianni, Fr. Joe Freedy, Fr. Dave Pivonka

2018 - Overflow

Speakers: Fr. Boniface Hicks, Barbara Heil, Sr. Bernadette DLJC, Andrea Thomas

2019 - Unshakeable

Speakers: Emily Stimpson Chapman, Hallie Lord, John Beaulieu, Fr. Joe Freedy

2022 - Restore